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Upcoming mini-series:
given by the Sandgrueb-Stiftung, Zürich and Musculoskeletal Research Unit, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich
"Collaborative projects as model for responsible animal welfare - the role of animal protection organisations and research institutions"
Dr. Vladimir Milojevic, PhD
"Quality of life of old and chronically ill horses"
Mag. med. vet. Zsófia Kelemen
"Hatching the Egg in Egg – the scientific contribution from animal welfare is possible "
Dr. med. vet. Karina Klein, PhD
"Selective deworming as a component of a sustainable equine health management "
PD Dr. med. vet. Hubertus Hertzberg
"Changes in the faecal microbial ecosystem, large intestinal epithelial integrity and inflammation in horses with age: how to promote healthy ageing through diet?"
Samy Julliand